• Welcome!

    My job is to help you avoid the pitfalls of Hollywood that hold you back from starting or advancing your acting career to the next level, booking bigger roles and better parts. I will help you find ways to promote and market yourself for casting directors and agents/managers.
  • 1
  • Merrill Brenner
  • Kassie Johnston
  • Jason Perkins
  • Kraig Dane

Merrill Brenner

"I found your class life changing. Your level of attention to each member of the class was extraordinary. Your innovative techniques for dealing with cold reading, casting director expectations, slating's and character development were brilliant. As a result, my self confidence soared. What ever class you teach next, sign me up! Thank you Jake!"

Kassie Johnston

" I took Jake O'Flaherty's "On-Camera Commercial" class at the Los Angeles Performing Arts Conservatory. Every class, he gave us one or, usually, two commercials to prepare and tape. Not only did he expound on the the variety of ways to approach the different commercials and provide advice regarding auditions, he critiqued each of us individually. He helped me--a soft-spoken Midwestern young-woman--to use my voice and body language to project confidence, while keeping true to my personality, and advised me on how to make each style of commercial work for me. This has helped me immensely in my auditions since, and I am so glad to have taken his class."

Jason Perkins

"Working with Jake O’Flaherty was a truly epic experience for my acting! he had me prepped and ready for an audition overnight with all the professionalism and patience needed until I got where I felt comfortable and ready to book! Thanks so much!!"

Kraig Dane

"Jake has helped me immensely since beginning my career. From the moment I walk into an audition to the moment the director says cut; I’ll know that I’ve done everything to put together the best performance, and Jake has been a giant factor."

What's My Approach?

Coaching for me is finding the essence of the character thru the written dialogue, physical actions & tone of voice. Making simple, specific choices that make sense yet are unique, is the secret to creating memorable characters that still seem true to life. Asking yourself : who, what, where, when & why is the first step. From there finding interesting choices in the delivery is what books you the job!

More Information

Ken Jeong

Jake Has coached Ken Jeong for Hangover 2 and 3, Pain & Gain, Despicable Me 2, NBC's Community and various other TV Commercials and projects.